The best weekend in a long time…

We didn’t make huge plans for this weekend, and I had completely forgotten it was a bank holiday, but it turned out to be one of those random weekends that was perfect. We had booked in for the flu vaccine with a local pharmacy, and when there found out the kids could be vaccinated too, which was a huge bonus. Cycling there and back was the icing on the cake-we don’t take the bikes out nearly as much as we should.

We had the loveliest date night at home on Saturday, complete with a local beer and (not pictured) our very favourite wine. We’d had a couple of weeks where we weren’t able to do our usual date night, so this was very, very welcome. Sunday was spent with family-everyone being vaccinated means more family time, something we have not had enough of over the past 18 months. Doing all the meal prep the day before meant it was a lovely, easy afternoon.

On Monday we made plans to go to the Botanic Gardens. Me and the Mini Orchids hadn’t been there since the summer and himself for about a year so a visit was long overdue. Despite the big greenhouses still being closed, we had a great morning. My insistence on getting up and out the door early was richly validated when we got there 15 minutes after opening and most of the carpark was full. The pumpkin display was a big hit.

There was a lot of Lego play, the trains came out, the tent ended up back in the playroom and SO MUCH ART. Eldest Orchid took out her granddad’s art supplies to tackle a canvas she’s been working on since the summer. She was inspired by her trip to the Botanic Gardens and I am always in awe of her confidence when wielding a brush and a palette, something I hope she never loses.

The best weekend in a long time…

Tiny Sparks of Joy

For the first time in several weeks we got the bikes out and cycled to the library. I collected the very latest Sally Rooney book, thanks to the amazing online library system, and I’m really enjoying it.

The kids did a lot of Lego this weekend, including a Covid self portrait complete with mask. I love how much they love Lego, and that they’re using some Lego that’s nearly as old as I am.

Eldest Orchid had a birthday party to attend. Instead of sitting in a cafe scrolling I went for a walk along the seafront and enjoyed the views.

I reread an old favourite while Himself watched the rubgy. My idea of a good Friday evening.

I had two hours to myself on Friday morning and did a long overdue overhaul of the dining and sitting rooms. The sheer bliss of clearing out the crap, rearranging the things I want to keep and sitting down to a clean and tidy dinner and after dinner glass of wine. It felt like redecorating without the hassle.

Tiny Sparks of Joy

Tiny Sparks of Weekend Joy

We had a busy weekend of birthdays, food, cycling (having no car thanks to a breakdown has its upsides). Middle Orchid is eight, and we were able to have an outdoor party with friends under glorious sunny skies in the local park. Then we were able to enjoy an impromptu picnic afterwards thanks to the food trucks that have reappeared.

There was also the usual tidying and catching up on jobs. The playroom, despite my regular State of the Union addresses to the Mini Orchids, cajoling, rants and decluttering all too regularly descends into chaos so that, once again, had to be put to rights.

Tiny Sparks of Weekend Joy

Tiny Sparks of Joy

Finding the loveliest set for the Mini Orchids to help with cooking prep.

A bunch of paper flowers, thanks to Eldest Orchid.

The results of a major playroom declutter and reorganisation, and the happiness of sending things to new homes.

The results of a major wardrobe clearout for Tiny Orchid, and the happiness of sending things to cousins.

An easy, cheerful read. I have a stack of library books to get through and this one really hit the spot.

Tiny Sparks of Joy

Tiny Sparks of Joy

More art from Eldest Orchid, made from anything and everything.

A battered but beautiful street sign on my daily walk, reattached and useful despite the cracks.

New bedlinen. Bliss.

A chocolate cake because we didn’t have enough chocolate on Easter Sunday.

Drinks outside on our new garden table on the sunniest Saturday of March. A much needed treat after a busy week.

Tiny Sparks of Joy


It was one of those really, really good weekends. Every week it feels good to reach Friday and feel like maybe we’re a week closer to the beginning of some sort of end to level 5 and lockdowns.

We had the most delicious meal from Uno Mas. We have ordered from here before, and it was really good. This time we went for a duck feast and it truly was a feast. We had leftovers for lunch on Monday and saved our dessert for Sunday evening’s Antiques Roadshow.

I also caught up on a few small jobs like clearing my wardrobe of anything that hasn’t been worn since March last year. Mainly work dresses and clothes that don’t fit because of All The Eating and Drinking since March last year. I also found the beautiful cardigan my mother made for me in 1994. I’d wear it now if it came in my size.

I marked one year of This Shitty Situation with banana bread. I used up some questionable dates and very old frozen bananas. It was delicious and just what we needed with our afternoon coffee.

Mother’s Day was such a lovely day. For breakfast I reheated potato cakes on the cast iron pans that are my favourite kitchen equipment-every time I use them I exclaim how much I love them and how I can’t believe I left them unused in a cupboard for so long. Flowers, cards and homemade treats were all very welcome.

Finally, I’ve been listening to a lot of You’re Wrong About, especially after That Interview. This copy of the Sloane Ranger has been amusing me.


Tiny Sparks of Joy

A new(ish) bed for a boy who decided climbing over a cot railing was very good fun. Another last first thing for our family, and another load of gear off to a new home later this week.

Watching The Lady Vanishes on Sunday afternoon.

Some fancy drinks for Thursday evening. It was One Of Those Weeks.

Three loads of laundry washed and line dried today. I’m scraping the barrel this week, in my attempt to feel a little more positive.

Pancakes twice this week, because why not and tis the season etc.

Tiny Sparks of Joy

Tiny Sparks of Joy

Enjoying some cava and red wine after Dry January. Amarone from The Corkscrew was a particular joy.

Dinner from Uno Mas. Everything was delicious and the process was just as enjoyable as the food.

Sleeping in two days in a row. I haven’t done that for two years.

The random things I find on the Tweet machine.

Afternoon tea at home. The Mini Orchids have been asking to do this again for a while and this weekend I caved. It was worth it, both for the baking that filled a morning and the fun we had over the afternoon.

Tiny Sparks of Joy

Tiny Sparks of Joy

Sticking to dry January. I’m not sure it should feel as good as it does to be able to tick one accomplishment (if that’s what I can call it) off the list on the last day of one of the gloomiest months ever, but I’ll take my joys where I can find them.

Home cooking, and using up a lot of our freezer and store cupboard stash.

Reading childhood favourites. Over and over again. I remember my heart leaping one Saturday in the library when a longed for copy of Drina Goes On Tour appeared. I was able to get my hands on a very precious first edition.

A lovely meal to look forward to. And the fact it will be delivered to us. And that we have a nice bottle of Amarone to go with it all.

Little videos made by the Little Orchids. Always fun to see them so involved in them and watching them afterwards.

Tiny Sparks of Joy