Back to School

assorted color sewing machine
Photo by Adonyi Gu00e1bor on

I’ve been thinking about taking up a new hobby for a while. As a child, Santa brought a miniature sewing machine that I never managed to get to grips with. Another dream dashed. Learning to sew on a machine has been on my list of ‘I’d love to get around to that some day’ things. Now that summer is nearly over I decided it was high time to take some action.

A friend of mine is an excellent seamstress and having consulted her I decided against buying a machine in a whirl of enthusiasm. I’ve instead signed up for a course of sewing classes locally and I’m giddy with excitement. It might be the start of a hobby I love, or it might be something I decide isn’t for me. Either way, its nice to have that back to school feeling.

Back to School

Tiny Sparks of (Holiday) Joy.

We stayed home this year, and so for the past two weeks turned our attention ever more inwards. Jobs were done, bargains were found, new recipes were tried, books were read, wine was drunk, jars and bottles and tubes were finished, memories were unearthed, rooms were rejigged, masks were bought and a whole lot of relaxing was done.

I’d have preferred the three weeks in France we had planned. But this wasn’t a bad staycation.

Tiny Sparks of (Holiday) Joy.