Tiny Sparks of Joy

The last week of freedom and easy schedules before school starts.

Another beautiful, delicious meal in Liath (with bonus anchovies for another delicious home cooked meal last Saturday).

A long overdue brunch with friends. Even if the service was … uneven.

A boy getting a new desk the same day he’d requested in thanks to the local freecycle group. I think this was the closest find yet, just at the top of our road.

Ticking off about ten things on a list of stuff I’ve been putting off and catching up on so many little things thanks to working from home. Two and a half years into this, keeping everything crossed it stays the same for as long as … the rest of my working life, really.

Tiny Sparks of Joy

“You make me feel happy”

My husband regularly said this line in an approximation of an America accent. According to him, it was said by a creepy toy bear a friend of his was sent by relatives in America one Christmas. It has become something we now say to eachother, silly accent and all.

One thing that makes me feel happy right now is letting go of my somewhat control freak tendencies as the kids get older and want more of a say over their personal spaces. They’re lucky enough to have a room each, with private spaces and doors that can be closed to fend off an invading sibling or two. Last week, I finally caved and let them paint on the walls we painted with a washable magnolia paint six years ago and have done little to ever since.

They did sketches at my request so it wouldn’t be a free for all (can’t let AAAAALLLLL control go) and one of the results of the painting is this cheerful looking guy. He makes me feel happy.

“You make me feel happy”