Live Alone (Almost) And (Try To) Like It.

Well, it has been quite the fortnight. Hard to believe that this time two weeks ago I was planning on how to juggle homeschooling and some level of normal life which would include working from home as much as possible. Like everyone else we know,  life has come to a shuddering halt and we are Living Alone (As A Family) and (Trying To) Like It.

I have to be honest, I have really struggled with the giant shift that has taken place. I haven’t been on top of any areas of my life, including the writing of my blog which is such a good outlet for me. I haven’t been a stellar homeschooler. I have cleared out and organised very few cupboards. The house is a mess. There is lego EVERYWHERE, even in our tiny en suite. I have been snappier than usual and I have not been as Mary Poppinsish as I would like.

I’ve had to learn to let a lot more things go. The children are watching a lot of TV. We don’t have tablets but I’m quite sure if we did they’d be handed over frequently. If they want to spend all day in their pajamas, I’m letting them. Quite frankly, I haven’t had the headspace to deal with any discipline problems. I’m hoping there’s a few happy memories for them, mixed in with the chaos.

The next few days and weeks will be better. I’ve stopped wallowing. I’ve made plans. Today, I put on makeup and a dress and I feel better. I’m going to reread Marjorie once again, because her advice to Take Yourself Firmly In Hand still rings true. We are in this together, and separately, and we will just have to learn, once again, to Live Alone and Like It, and maybe get to love it and learn some valuable lessons.

Live Alone (Almost) And (Try To) Like It.