Tiny Sparks of Joy

Some very much wanted and needed new bathroom installations started this week. I want everything done instantly and without any complications. Then I remember I watch home improvement shows all the time so I should know better.

Baby spider plants and a single basil plant repotted in the hope of more greenery around the house.

Yummy takeaway dinner from 777. Glad we splashed out on the drinks too.

An unexpected and thoughtful gift from work colleagues.

A change in leadership. I’m not as naive as I was in November 2008, but I’ll take any election news that gives even a sliver of hope.

A day out of the house and a walk to enjoy a part of the city I’m never usually around. It’s the simple things.

Tiny Sparks of Joy

I Get So Emotional

Praveen on Channel 4 news.

A video of Savita dancing.

Remembering that first donation in 2012.

The 2013 Oireachtas hearings.

The first march.

More marches.

The petitions.

More petitions.

The Citizens’ Assembly votes.

The Oireachtas committee recommendations.

The support for a referendum from so many political quarters.

Wearing together for yes tshirts to Holles Street.

Seeing the first set of Yes posters going up.

Seeing more and more Yes posters going up.

Our daughter counting our Yes badges.

The badges everywhere.

The cheery canvassers.

The confirmation of yes votes from unexpected people.


The realisation that this time tomorrow we’ll have cast our votes.

The thoughts of the exit poll tomorrow night.

The counting beginning.

The tallies.

The hope.

Please vote to repeal the eighth tomorrow. Please vote for change.

I Get So Emotional

I Wish You a Hopeful Christmas

One of my very favourite Christmas songs is on rotation on Christmas FM every year. I adore the lyrics and music of Greg Lake’s I Believe in Father Christmas. It has become more like a poem to me, as it sums up a lot of how I feel about the festive season, in terms of my memories of it as a child, how I experience it now and how I think future years might pan out.

It has been hard to be hopeful this year, for many reasons. This Christmas, I’m hopeful that:

  • Modern medicine can deliver in myriad ways.
  • Mueller’s investigation continues apace.
  • Our plans for the short and medium term come to fruition.
  • I get to meet everyone I haven’t seen since last Christmas as friends come ‘home’ for the season.
  • Next year will show some changes in the political system, at home and abroad.
I Wish You a Hopeful Christmas