I Wish You a Hopeful Christmas

One of my very favourite Christmas songs is on rotation on Christmas FM every year. I adore the lyrics and music of Greg Lake’s I Believe in Father Christmas. It has become more like a poem to me, as it sums up a lot of how I feel about the festive season, in terms of my memories of it as a child, how I experience it now and how I think future years might pan out.

It has been hard to be hopeful this year, for many reasons. This Christmas, I’m hopeful that:

  • Modern medicine can deliver in myriad ways.
  • Mueller’s investigation continues apace.
  • Our plans for the short and medium term come to fruition.
  • I get to meet everyone I haven’t seen since last Christmas as friends come ‘home’ for the season.
  • Next year will show some changes in the political system, at home and abroad.
I Wish You a Hopeful Christmas