What goes around…

I’m getting better at this though. I can honestly say that the Marie Kondo approach changed my life and recalibrated my relationship with stuff. I find it easier to let go of cute clothes my children wore, books I loved but won’t read again and things I bought and never used, even when they were expensive.

I recently sent most of my ‘baby stuff’ off to a new home. Do I miss it? Yes, I do. I miss the early snuggly days, the tiny babygros and mini clothes, the buggy that meant I could cart children around more easily…. But what good is that stuff in storage boxes in my attic? No good at all. None, it is a waste of resources. So off it went, and I felt immediately lighter about it.

I recently decided to take a sewing class, partly because I thought it would be a nice new skill and mainly to get me out of the house once a week. A friend of mine is an accomplished sewer and gave me some pointers for which I was very welcome.

What was MOST UNEXPECTED was a message from her that she was replacing her old machine with a newer one, and would I like the old one? Of course I would! What serendipity! I met her for breakfast earlier this week to collect the machine. A two for one deal, a real life catch up for the first time in six months AND something I need at this point in my life. Win win, because she had been wondering what to do with her old machine.

I’ve set myself the tiny goal of doing one small thing with the machine every day. Yesterday it took me a good hour and a half to figure out threading. Today I’m going to attempt some sewing on an old bedsheet. It feels good to be using a machine that’s new to me and that gave someone else such joy.

What goes around…

Back to School

assorted color sewing machine
Photo by Adonyi Gu00e1bor on Pexels.com

I’ve been thinking about taking up a new hobby for a while. As a child, Santa brought a miniature sewing machine that I never managed to get to grips with. Another dream dashed. Learning to sew on a machine has been on my list of ‘I’d love to get around to that some day’ things. Now that summer is nearly over I decided it was high time to take some action.

A friend of mine is an excellent seamstress and having consulted her I decided against buying a machine in a whirl of enthusiasm. I’ve instead signed up for a course of sewing classes locally and I’m giddy with excitement. It might be the start of a hobby I love, or it might be something I decide isn’t for me. Either way, its nice to have that back to school feeling.

Back to School