Tiny Sparks of Joy

img_20190307_153850A few weeks ago the radio I have had for ten years, through several house moves, finally met its end in the form of the tiled kitchen floor which sparks no joy whatsoever and which I cannot wait to see the back of in a few weeks. This replacement sparks a lot of joy. It’s not fancy and I chose it mainly because it had no bells and whistles and looked nice. The sound is lovely and it’s much easier to tune than the old one, which I thanked and sent off to be recycled.

img_20190330_144450This soap, which was a gift from a friend many months ago and which I finally got around to using this week. It’s a gorgeous scent and I love the thought that went into her buying me something like this.

img_20190320_151950This set of numbers marks progress for me. It’s probably not particularly notable for most gym goers but I’m finally learning to appreciate what my body can do.

img_20190329_181147I adore this picture, which was a surprise for me as I had no idea she was taking it. A reminder of the importance of others’ perspectives.

img_20190405_112742I first read this book when I was in primary school and for years I’ve been meaning to track down a copy. Thanks to my niche Facebook group for people who love reading childhood favourites no matter what age they are, this arrived and has been devoured.

Tiny Sparks of Joy

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